Friday, November 29, 2019


Another Thanksgiving day closes. We had a small feast prepared, nothing grand, but enough to satisfy our palates. After several continuous days of rain, we are blessed with bright sunshine, mild weather, and a cooling tropical breeze. The colors of the day are starkly beautiful. What a great day to eat on the lanai!

It was a beautiful day last year, too. Papa took some time to sit out in the yard while the dogs roamed.

This was a great day. To see Papa out, to be able to walk, to sit up on his own . . . 

Around this time last year, we were waiting for Papa to get a CAT scan of his chest and a bone scan. After spending all of October 2018 in the hospital, he was found to have urothelial cancer. We were waiting to find out if any of it spread. A month in the hospital and his diagnosis took its toll. 

But we were grateful. After a month of not knowing, we finally had an answer. It wasn't what we wanted but, at least, we knew and we could move forward with what needed doing.

The scans showed that there was some metastasis - to his arm and to his lungs. It was tough waiting for that first chemo to begin.

Then three days after this picture was taken, he started having problems breathing. We decided that he needed to go the emergency room. Hannah and I got him in the car and we headed to Hilo. While at a stoplight, like in a slow motion segment of a movie, I see a tow truck behind us start sliding sideways, its back end heading straight towards us. I moved forward slightly, unable to move too much farther out or we would hit oncoming traffic. Then a loud bang!

That slight move forward saved us from anything more serious. I shudder to think of it. Hannah was sitting in the back. The truck hit us but, gratefully, we were all uninjured. I had to call 911 to get an ambulance to take Papa to the ER, but with some duct tape, we were able to drive the car to the hospital.

About 3 weeks later, Papa finally sees the oncologist for the first time. More than a month after his diagnosis! But we were thankful. So many emotions . . . relief, sadness, helplessness, guilt . . . 

We were all together, though. Together as a family.

Almost two weeks after this appointment, Papa was back in the ER.

What followed after this was a string of hard days, very hard days. I was desperately looking for a hospital bed. Papa wouldn't eat and could barely move to change positions. 

Then miraculously, he felt better. He was eating and looking more vibrant.

Once more, he was back in the yard, enjoying the sunshine.

Several months later, in April of this year, his "severely enlarged abdominal aortic aneurysm" is repaired. He amazingly does well.

And he is ecstatic to return home.

 Every day has been precious and a blessing to us. Papa has his days and he is now on immunotherapy. He has lab draws and doctors appointments, but we are grateful. He has projects that he slowly works on. He is currently working on a cover for our water pump. He finds things to keep him busy.

We were able to celebrate Thanksgiving together again as a family this year. We said our prayers of Thanksgiving, but we have been thankful for every day. Inspite of hardships and life challenges, everyday has been a blessing.

When you can show up to dinner with your hair uncombed and your face unmade, that's something to be thankful for, too, because you know the people around you love you regardless.