is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a
summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the
clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.
John Lubbock
I had homework to do. Lots of it. Hours of studying needed to be done and only so little time left. Tom and I ran a few errands this day with the plan of getting them done quick and returning home so I can get back to the world of academia.
As we approached home, Tom said he'd like to go see the waves close to our house. He was curious to see how big they were because they have been especially loud and can be heard at our house. We are a couple of blocks away from the shoreline.
I paused a little and thought about how much time that would take away from my studying, but it was so beautiful out. It's been raining daily but today was beautiful. The skies were clear blue and the temperature was perfect.
The last few days have been brutal. I've been locked away in my books that I've barely had time to spend with my husband. Today was a good day to do it. I thought about how much time I'd lose studying but I also thought it would be worth it to spend time with Tom.
We went to Kaloli Point and the waves were huge. 20-30 foot waves crashed onto shore drenching us in salty sprays. We oohed and gasped and giggled and laughed.
It was a great day . . .
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