Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Day 28 Longing for Home

“A man travels the world over in search of what he needs
and returns home to find it."
~ George Augustus Moore ~

"There is no denying the heart what it longs for – especially when it longs for home."
~Nicole Sobon~

Red and orange stubbornly cling to the sky. 
The gray of night slowly creeps in. 
Blue and red lights blink on the runway and the jet turbines of our airplane roar as it takes off. 
Shadows deepen as only the whitecaps of the ocean remain visible as we rise up in the air. 
I close my eyes and wait for sleep to take me. 
When I open my eyes, I shall look longingly to see the lights of Hilo
and breathe the air of home.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The light at the end


It is not in my nature to give up so I go on. I traverse this tunnel, still hopeful to reach the end. The light at the end teases me. This journey . . . it is a challenge. Sadness fills me at the moment . . . and doubt . . . That light . . . is it the end that holds redemption . . . or is it damnation . . . that I shall never reach it but forever think I will . . . 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day 27 A Soul Renewed

The sand glisten ivory. Water laps gently on the shore. Trees sway lazily, throwing merry shadows on the ground. The smell of the sea and the sweet scent of pine invigorates the air. The light blue of the sky complements the aquamarine blue of the ocean.

Here, time stands still. A man sits with his dog enjoying the moment. I stand still watching him, wondering . . . then I smile. The scene spells contentment . . . nostalgia . . . soul-searching . . .

I linger too long watching . . . I've intruded enough into his private moment . . . Slowly, a little guiltily, a little regretfully, I walk away . . .

I smile again, feeling like someone just gave me a warm, heartfelt hug . . . my soul renewed . . . clean and fresh . . .