Monday, April 29, 2013

Day 31 Senescence

“These fragments I have shored against my ruins” 
― T.S. Eliot, The Waste Land and Other Poems

These flags fly proudly in front of a home for elderly veterans. There was a brisk breeze when I took this picture. The flags made sharp snapping sounds as the breeze buffets them. They reminded me of military men in formation as they snap to a salute. 

I once walked into the room of an old veteran who was so infirm that he relied upon the nursing home staff to take care of his most basic bodily functions. Covering his walls were pictures of his family and many of him in his Marine uniform in various stages of action. There was a picture of his wedding day, both bride and groom with glowing smiles. Once he was young and vital. Age has claimed his body and, in his physical state, I was glad that his mind went along with his health and he wasn't aware of his weakened, incapable body.

My mother told me once when she worked in ICU that, in her elderly patients' rooms, she purposefully displayed pictures of their families and of the young, vital men and women they once were. She told me that it was to remind the nursing staff and herself to see beyond the sick patient and think of them when they were once us - strong,  productive, full of dreams.

I have cared for many old veterans in my career. I have cared for many an elderly. A 93-year old retired Army man was brought in by his great-granddaughter into the ER. When the doctor asked what was wrong with him, he said, "Where do you want me to start, young man? What's wrong with me is that I'm old."

No wonder billions of dollars are spent in an attempt to postpone aging and hold on to our younger selves for just a little bit longer.

Age claims us all eventually but I do believe in aging well. I think I'll live my days as if I'm never getting old, until my body and mind tell me that it is time . . . I will live as Gandhi said, "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you will live forever."

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